Tuesday 11 February 2025



Internal Grants


The grant aims to help students with financial needs to support their school life. Items include:

  1. Lunch Box
    Target Applicants: S1-S5
    Deadline: 6 September 2024, 2:00pm
    Remarks: Certificates/ receipts should be attached with the Application Form.
  2. Emergency living allowance
    Target Applicants: S1-S6
    Deadline: Application is welcomed throughout the school year.
    Remarks: Certificates/ receipts should be attached with the Application Form.

The grant aims to enable students with financial needs to participate in life-wide learning activities organised or recognised by the school.

Target Applicants: S1-S6
Deadline: 25 February 2025, 4:30pm
Remarks: Certificates/ receipts should be attached with the Application Form.



External Grants

The scheme aims to provide assistance to needy students under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for covering the costs of essential textbooks and miscellaneous school-related expenses.


Application Procedures:
Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA)  Self Photos / Files - pastoral care
Self Photos / Files - pastoral care


New Applicants
Submit the e-form
directly to Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA).

Current Recipients
Complete the pre-filled e-form sent from SFAA, and then submit the Eligibility Certificate (資格證明書) to the General Office.

Target Applicants: S1-S6



The scheme aims to provide travel subsidy for needy students, residing beyond 10 minutes walking distance from school and traveling to school by public transport.


Application Procedures:
Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA)  Self Photos / Files - pastoral care
Self Photos / Files - pastoral care


New Applicants
Submit the e-form
directly to Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA).

Current Recipients
Complete the pre-filled e-form sent from SFAA, and then submit the Eligibility Certificate (資格證明書) to the General Office.

Target Applicants: S1-S6



The scheme aims to provide subsidy for the Internet access charges for e-learning at home to needy students. The subsidy is granted on a household basis.


Application Procedures:
Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA)  Self Photos / Files - pastoral care
Self Photos / Files - pastoral care


New Applicants
Submit the e-form
directly to Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA).

Current Recipients
Complete the pre-filled e-form sent from SFAA, and then submit the Eligibility Certificate (資格證明書) to the General Office.

Target Applicants: S1-S6



The Fund aims to provide maintenance grants for students who are in financial need as assessed under a means test.


Application Form:

Students should download application form from the following website:

https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/tc/other/grantsloans/grantham/9.1.10.htm Self Photos / Files - G
Target Applicants: S4-S6



The Fund aims to assist, by means of interest-free loans, worthy and needy students to pursue studies recommended by the school.


Application Procedures:

Students should download application form from the following website:

https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/tc/other/grantsloans/singtao/9.1.12.htm Self Photos / Files - ST

Application is welcomed throughout the school year. Students should apply for the fund through the school.

Target Applicants: S4-S6





  1. For further details, eligibility criteria and application procedure of different grants, please visit the school's website: https://www.hfcc.edu.hk/welfare/ or relevant official websites.
  2. In case an application requires the approval or recommendation from school, please hand in the application form to office 10 school days before of the official deadline.
  3. For enquiries, please contact Mr Thomas Li and Ms Kelly Lee.