Tuesday 11 February 2025


School Opening Ceremony 2023-2024

The college marked a smooth start to the new school year on 4 September 2023, postponed from the Friday before as Super Typhoon Saola struck the city over the weekend.  With God’s blessings, the school campus did not suffer major damages, which made the whole-school gathering at the school hall for the School Opening Ceremony finally a dream came true after a 3-year pandemic-inflicted halt.  United in God’s love, Holy Familians poured out their hearts and prayed to the dear Lord for an insatiable thirst for knowledge and another promising school year.


Our Principal Ms Cheng officiated the long-awaited occasion by introducing the school theme of the academic year – Humbling Ourselves Appreciating Others. Ms Cheng’s inspiring speech reminded us that humble individuals are not to see how important they can become, but how much difference they can make in the lives of others.  Being appreciative, one can forge positive relationships and foster a harmonious environment conducive to ceaseless self-growth.


Holy Familians were then galvanized into action after listening to the sharing by the Head Girl Core Group members, Winnie Zhang, Angie Shing and Katie Law.  The sixth-formers shared 4 steps to humbly ask for others’ advice.  Their hands-on experience and constructive advice drew loud applause.  Heidi Au, Cadence Cheung and Natalie Lam then shared their story behind the triumph clinching the Champion and the Best Presentation Award in the STEAM competition VR for Good Challenge organised by the International Coding Elite Challenge.  The team attributed their success to their perseverance and relentless effort in problem-solving. 


As another new chapter unfolds amidst the unison singing of the school song, Holy Familians are ready to squarely accept challenges with humbleness, vibrancy and appreciation. 


Macey Au Yeung (6A)