Tuesday 11 February 2025


Exchange with our Sister School

Since April 2023, our school has established a sister school relationship with Pingshan New Area Foreign Language School in Pingshan District, Shenzhen. On 27 February 2024, more than 20 teachers and students from our sister school visited us under the leadership of their Principal Mr Qi Pei-yu. During the welcoming ceremony, student representatives from both schools introduced and shared their respective school life and exchanged their learning experiences with one another. Students and teachers from our sister school participated in our English, Mathematics, and Integrated Science lessons. Their teacher Ms Gong Xiao-xue gave us a cultural lesson about the Dongjiang culture of Pingshan, after which they visited our School Library, STEAM Room and laboratories. Through this exchange, the students and teachers from both schools deepened their understanding of the cultural and educational characteristics of Hong Kong and Shenzhen. On the next day, students from both schools visited the Hong Kong Palace Museum to learn about and appreciate Chinese art and culture.


On 8 March 2024, more than 20 teachers and students from our school visited our sister school in Shenzhen under the leadership of our Principal Ms Cheng. Students and teachers from both schools sang the national anthem together, followed by a joint recitation of “Young China” on stage, showcasing the cohesion of the Chinese nation and the vitality of the younger generation. Our students visited the classrooms there, and students from both schools collaborated on a piece of papercutting artwork and a piece of technological artwork. After that, the teachers and students from our sister school introduced the campus facilities and daily school life to us. Finally, teachers and students from both schools joined hands in planting a pomegranate tree together, symbolizing unity and harmony, expressing our wish that the friendship between the two schools would always be green and blooming.






資料來源: 深圳巿坪山區外國語文源學校

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