Tuesday 11 February 2025

About Us


Holy Family Canossian College is one of the educational institutes set up by the Canossian Sisters. The plan for the present site was first conceived in 1966. With approval from the Education Department in 1970, a Dedication Day was held on 21.12.1973 to commemorate the official opening of the school with the blessing by the late Bishop Peter Lei. The formal inauguration was officiated by Mr. N. M. Ho, Deputy Director of the Education Department. In 1972, our school began its illustrious career with 10 classes, 400 students and 15 teaching staff. Since then, there has been expansion each year.


Under the leadership and guidance of our past Supervisors and Principals, our school steadily progressed. Through continuous dedication, commitment and involvement of every member in Holy Family, we are looking forward to more rewarding harvests in the future.



IT Innovation Lab

The IT Innovation Lab, with the themes of environmental protection and aerospace development, has been designed to add innovative elements to teaching and learning.

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50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass and Open Days

The 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass and Kick-off Ceremony was held on 12 August 2022. We were honoured to have Rev Benedict Lam to officiate the Mass and to join the celebration of our Golden Jubilee, followed by the Blessing of the newly-renovated library.

Self Photos / Files - 2022 HFCC50_opening mass



The Open Days and S1 Information Sessions were held on 3 and 4 December 2022, featuring the display of students’ work, interactive games and IT/AR/STEAM-related activities.

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Renovation of the School Library

To celebrate our Golden Jubilee, our school embarks on a major project of renovating the School Library to add a more contemporary touch to our school infrastructure.

Self Photos / Files - Lib_Language and Literature Area 4 Self Photos / Files - Lib_Self-study Area 6

For the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, a STEM Room was set up in 2017 to provide students with dynamic learning approaches to unleash their creative potential in STEM projects.

Self Photos / Files - 2017 Room



The Chinese Language Centre (CLC)

The CLC was set up to promote knowledge and passionate love of the Chinese language and culture.

Self Photos / Files - 2015 CLC

Formation of the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC)

The IMC was set up under the leadership of Mrs Lucilla Yip (Principal, 2007-2016).

Self Photos / Files - 2013 IMC

Self-directed Learning Scheme (SALC)

The SALC was set up in 2009 to facilitate students’ individual learning.

Self Photos / Files - 2009 SALC

35th Anniversary Celebration

The 35th Anniversary Celebration Dinner was held on 3 March 2007 at the Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

Self Photos / Files - 2007 35th Anniversary

Opening of the Foundress Building

The School Improvement Programme was completed in 2006, with a new seven-storey block erected to provide more space and facilities for learning and teaching.


The Blessing of the New Annex took place on 4 November 2006. 

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Opening of the Multi-media Learning Centre (MMLC)

The MMLC Opening cum Students’ Work Exhibition was held on 25 January 2002. It began with a Blessing by Fr Ngai, after which a Ribbon-cutting Ceremony was held in the playground and an address was delivered by Dr Chun. After the ceremony, the guests were invited to take a look at the exhibits of students’ work in the hall. 

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Development Fund Walkathon at the Peak co-organized by the PTA, AA and SA

On 18 November 2021, students, teachers and alumnae participated in the walkathon to raise development funds. The Opening Ceremony was held at the Viewing Terrace of the Peak Tower, after which walkers could start to walk along Lugard Road in an anti-clockwise direction. 

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Fund-raising Walkathon for the installation of air-conditioners

A Fund-raising Walkathon was held for the installation of air-conditioners in the classrooms after the celebration of the Foundress Day. The Opening Ceremony was officiated by the the Principal, the Vice Principal, the PTA Chairman, a PTA Ex-co member, the SA Chairlady and the Deputy Head Girl.  

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25th Anniversary Celebration

The 25th anniversary celebration events included an Opening Mass, an Opening Ceremony, an Open Day, a Jubilee dinner and a Variety Show. The Variety Show was held on 8 and 9 January 1997 in the School Hall, including Latin dance, Chinese Opera, Talk Show, Slide Show, Drama by Four Houses etc. 

Self Photos / Files - 1997 Silver Jubilee

Fund-raising Walkathon and Fun Fair

Students and teachers started their sponsored walk and to raise funds for the maintenance and operation of the of air-conditioners in School Hall.

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First Publication of the School Newsletter

The first issue of School Newsletter was published in February 1992. 

Self Photos / Files - 1992 School Newsletter

Setting up of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA was set up under the leadership of Sr Cynthia Chan (Principal, 1989-2007).

Self Photos / Files - 1992 PTA Inauguration CeremonyThe Inaugration Ceremony of the PTA (23 June 1992)
10th Anniversary

A special publication was compiled to celebrate the first decade of the school. 

Self Photos / Files - 1982 10th Anniversary School Magazine 1972-1982

Setting up of the Students’ Association (SA)

The SA was set up under the leadership of Sr Marie Remedios (Supervisor and Principal, 1979-85), with Mrs Agnes Tsui and Mrs Soong Sio-ping as the teacher advisors.

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Setting up of the Past Students’ Association

Before renaming as “Alumnae Association” (AA) in 2000, the AA was first called “Past Students’ Association”. It was established to advocate the common welfare of past students, foster unity among them, and promote the union of past students with the Alma Mater.


Self Photos / Files - 1976 AA inauguration

First batch of F5 graduates

This batch of students started studying in HFCC in 1972 as F2 students. 

Self Photos / Files - 1976 First batch of graduates

December 1973
Dedication Day

On 21 December 1973, a Dedication Day was held to commemorate the official opening of the school with the blessing by the late Bishop Peter Lei. The formal inauguration was officiated by Mr N.M. Ho, Deputy Director of the Education Department at that time. Fr Columbo also gave a brief report of the history of the school.

Self Photos / Files - 1973 Dedication Day


The birth of our School Song

The lyrics of the school song was written under the leadership of Sr Margaret Lee (Principal, 1973-79; Principal and Supervisor, 1985-88). 

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Self Photos / Files - 1973 School Song 4 Self Photos / Files - 1973 School Song 5  
Opening of the Holy Family Canossian College

The Canossian Sisters made application to the Education Department in mid-1960s to serve the needs of the HFCS graduates. The construction work started in August 1970 and the school was finally erected by October 1972. 

Self Photos / Files - 1972 Completion of construction

Re-opening of the Holy Family School at Junction Road

In 1953, construction of the Holy Family School at Junction Road began.

Self Photos / Files - 1953 Canossian Institute_Holy Family School Self Photos / Files - 1953 Entrance Junction Road
December 1941
School suspension

The Holy Family School was suspended in December 1941 due to the Japanese occupation.  

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Kowloon City during wartime (1945)

The establishment of the Holy Family Canossian Convent

In 1938, Bishop Valtorta invited the Canossian Sisters to open a Convent in Kowloon City. In January 1940, the Sisters bought a farm adjacent to the then Sai Kung Road and the Airfield (i.e. Choi Hung Road and Kai Tak Airport). In June 1940, the “Holy Family Convent”, alongside a dispensary, was opened. The Holy Family School was opened at the same location in August 1940.

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Kowloon City in the 1930s and 1940s

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Government Lease showing the plot of land

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Kowloon City (1938)

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Aerial shot of the first “Holy Family

Six Canossian Sisters began their missionary work in Hong Kong

On 12 April 1860, Six Canossian Sisters arrived in China, since then, they took part in different charitable activities, prioritizing the provision of education to girls.

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